While a quick Google search and scrolling through social media can provide a lot of information, some stories and locations remain tucked away in the corners of the internet simply because they haven’t been told enough times. We present to you an insider’s guide to the mysterious Hvar. Keep it safe and don’t tell anyone.
Mysterious Places to Visit on the Island of Hvar
In front of the town of Hvar, there is a group of beautiful islets, and the largest of them, Sv. Klement, hides perfect locations for exploration. Here you can find the arboretum and gallery of the Meneghello family, pioneering in tourism since 1906. Palmižana is also home to one of the most luxurious restaurants and hotels on Hvar, the stunning Zori Timeless. There are several restaurants nearby, and in the Soline Bay, near the Vlaka settlement, you can find the remains of a Roman villa. For an authentic experience of the natural beauty of Vlaka, it is best to visit during the traditional festival, specifically during the feast day of St. Klement. the patron saint of the island, which is celebrated in the last week of July. While you’re there, don’t miss a visit to the Colnago Winery – the only winery on the Pakleni Islands.
IInsider tip: For years, I thought that the name “Pakleni otoci” (Hell’s Islands) originated from the shape of the rugged coastline, which made sailing through these waters “hellish” for sailors. The name actually derives from the word “paklina,” which refers to the resin that was collected from trees. The locals refer to the islands as “paklenjaci” or “Škoji.” .
Located along the southern coast of the island of Hvar, the beautiful island of Šćedro awaits. This uninhabited island is a protected nature park with rich vegetation and stunning secluded beaches where you’ll find hardly anyone around. There are no roads on the island, only dirt paths that allow you to explore the old stone houses of the abandoned village of Nastane. There are a few restaurants on Šćedro, such as the Jakas family restaurant, where you can enjoy excellent homemade food, as well as a few apartments available for accommodation. You can reach the island daily by taxi boat from Zavala. Our favorite beach is Porteruša, just a few minutes’ walk through the forest from the restaurant. Šćedro is truly a special place.
Nestled between Jelsa and Vrboska, just a few minutes’ boat ride away, is perhaps the most beautiful place on the entire island of Hvar. I’m probably writing this from a childlike infatuation, and technically it’s not on Hvar but rather a separate islet. Zečevo (meaning: rabbit) no longer has anything to do with rabbits and is often overlooked by the average visitor to the island. Zečevo is a small islet covered in dense pine forest, with a lovely beach bar and restaurant, a small natural beach, and the most perfect shade of sea color. It’s a place where your mind slows down, and the summer breeze carries the scents of resin and pine needles. This is one of the few places on Hvar where you can truly experience the #islandstateofmind way of life.